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Calculate your carbon

MIS provider Tharstern has partnered with packaging and print carbon measurement expert CarbonQuota to launch a new tool allowing users to calculate their carbon footprint.

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The tool enables users to deliver instant carbon footprints on quotes and invoices produced by Tharstern MIS, along with carbon offsetting costs or carbon neutral certification that the end client can then choose to add to their order. 

Print companies are facing increasing pressure to go greener and Dominic Harris, the co-founder of CarbonQuota, says the new solution will help them take significant steps towards their environmental goals.

“With many of the world’s organisations making pledges to be Net Zero, the need for scientific measurement and detailed reporting of packaging and print is often a pre-requisite for doing business with these organisations,” Harris says.

“So, print service providers who want to be included in these supply chains will have to be able to provide details of their own carbon footprint.

“Historically, print businesses often only looked at the carbon footprint of paper that accounted for about half of the total carbon footprint of the job, so we were determined that our calculations not only measured paper, but also included production, consumables, transport, postage, outwork, fulfilment and end of life, as that truly reflects the total lifecycle environmental impact of a job.”
Leeds-based direct marketing agency Gecko was the first company to use the new tool and managing director Chris Bottomley says it has been incredibly useful for the business.

“We decided to offer our clients the opportunity to not only calculate the carbon footprint of their jobs, but give them the chance to offset it too,” Bottomley said.
“I asked CarbonQuota to calculate the footprint of two jobs we had just produced for a key client in the insurance sector. 

“The results of that were a real eyeopener and led to the idea off adding the carbon footprint calculation to our quote letters, along with optional costs for offsetting it.”

If you have an interesting story or a view on this news, then please e-mail news@printmonthly.co.uk

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