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IPIA meets with Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

Charles Rogers has visited Downing Street where he has continued to champion the print and paper industries

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The chair of the IPIA, Charles Rogers, visits No 10 Downing Steet at a Business Leaders Reception

The Independent Print Industries Association (IPIA) has attended its second Business Leaders Reception at No 10 Downing Street in order to champion the needs of the print and graphics industries.

The event was held by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt MP on December 20th and gathered influential representatives from key sectors of the UK economy to foster greater collaborations between different sectors.

Attendees could also network with national associations, financial institutions, and representatives from global brands in order to bolster UK talent. 

Charles Rogers, chair of the IPIA, attended following previous meetings with special advisors to the Prime Minister in order to stress the importance of print within the manufacturing industries.

Rogers comments: "To be invited as the Chair of the IPIA to a reception hosted by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, is recognition of how important the print and paper industries are to the health of the UK economy. 

“During our conversation, he was receptive to the points being put across regarding the need for further print and paper industry support and welcomed further representations. 

Rogers met with Hunt to discuss the projected impact of the policies announced in the recent Autumn Statement while also stressing the importance of print being included in support initiatives such as the Energy-Intensive Industries Scheme.

“In a broader sense it's not the IPIA being invited, but the entire print and paper industries,” says Rogers, adding: 

“Sectors such as finance, IT, life sciences, hospitality, health care, and fast-growing entrepreneurial start-ups – to name a few – were all in attendance. This is so that Government can either learn from them, or impress upon them, strategy, or policy to improve the economy.

"I was immensely proud to represent our industry and the IPIA. Our repeated invitations to No 10 reflect how far we have come over the last few years and it is very rewarding to see the hard work and perseverance of our Association making an impact.” 

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