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Holmen Iggesund Christmas card creates a cosy feel

Holmen Iggesund has revealed its annual season’s greetings card using Invercote paperboard

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The 2023 Season’s Greetings card design incorporated embossing and hot stamping and was printed on a single sheet

Since Holmen Iggesund’s paperboard Invercote was launched 60 years ago, the company has produced a special annual season’s greetings card each year using different themes and printing effects.

The design for the 2023 card features a wintery landscape with a campfire in the middle, offering an invitation to “sit down and create new stories together for the future”.

The front of the card features a path in the middle which once torn open, reveals a wintry forest inside. This path continues to a campfire printed inside. 

To bring the design to life, Holmen Iggesund collaborated with Swedish designer Kristina de Verdier and French graphic design studio Créanog.

The card itself is made of Holmen Iggesund’s Invercote G paperboard and the aim of the design, according to Verdier, was to create the feeling of walking through a forest and gathering with those close to you around a cosy campfire. 

With sustainability a key consideration, the card has been crafted with a minimalistic design with the use of subtle effects used to highlight the natural qualities of the material.

The card was printed on a single sheet with the reverse side of the paperboard producing a high-quality print result as the flaps on either side of the middle section are the uncoated side folded over. 

A number of effects were used on the card including embossing and hot stamping to bring the magical feeling of a cosy, wintery Christmas to life.

“Our new season’s greetings card symbolises the magic that emerges when we work closely together,” says Johan Nellbeck, chief executive officer of Holmen Iggesund. “That experience can lead us to discover new opportunities and solutions. 

“Collaboration is at the heart of Holmen Iggesund. We are curious about you and your business, and want to bring in our knowledge and expertise. As 2023 comes to a close, we want to thank all our customers and partners for their loyalty and support with a special season’s greetings card. It’s natural during this season to reflect on the year gone by, but we also want to look ahead with our customers and partners towards the future.”

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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