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Israel-based business hails HP Latex 800W

The new HP machine has opened new work into printed textiles and interior décor

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The HP Latex 800W is a large-format printer with specialised white ink capabilities

Israel-based print service provider Line Cut has highlighted the HP Latex 800W printer as a significant new investment for the company as it further proves the expansion of the printed textile market.

With live events and spaces needing to wow more than ever following the pandemic and the emergence of digital locations like the metaverse, new display solutions are becoming increasingly requested.

Line Cut has hailed the HP machine as it has allowed the company to take on new work and gain customers in a number of different sectors.  

Nir Yankov, owner and chief executive officer at Line Cut, says: “There are several reasons why we chose the HP Latex 800W printer. First and foremost, we were impressed with its ability to consistently produce high-quality prints, especially with its added capability of white ink printing.”

The company specialises in providing print solutions for film/TV sets as well as museums, always seeking to create ‘eye-catching and captivating narratives’ through its work.

The printer was Line Cut’s first HP purchase which it acquired via authorised reseller Microjuk Computers. 

Yankov adds: “We appreciated its versatility as it can print on a wide range of media including textiles and porous materials, which cannot be printed with UV-based inks. Additionally, we value the printer's eco-friendliness, as its use of water-based inks results in a lower carbon footprint and a safer and more pleasant work environment.

“The HP Latex 800W has helped us grow, diversify, and succeed by enabling us to offer a wider range of services to our clients. Specifically, we have been able to take on more projects for soft signage, textiles, and interior decor, which have been significant growth areas for our business. It has also helped us to attract new clients and move into new markets.”

The new machine was installed in December and has already been used by Line Cut for a series of significant projects. The 800W has been running alongside RIP software from Caldera which has helped optimise workflow and increase productivity.

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